Grieving is hard emotional work which also drains our physical and mental reserves. By using what energy we have effectively we can slowly increase our confidence, our coping skills and our ability to create a life of meaning for ourselves that also honors the loved ones we grieve.
The purpose of the Soaring Spirits Widowed Resilience Scale is to help you determine how to most effectively use the energy you have available on a day to day basis to build resilience. The assessment will ask you questions that help identify specific areas where additional support and resources would benefit your overall resilience level.
After you’ve taken the assessment, you will be provided with feedback that suggests areas where additional support may be valuable. Based on both our research and our extensive experience with widowed people practical suggestions for each area of focus will also be offered.
This feedback is not intended to be prescriptive. Our goal is to help you focus your limited energy on specific categories that research and experience have suggested will provide you with the most benefit in the short term and increase your energy levels for longer term outcomes.
In order to support our research and continue the validation of our scale, you will be asked non-identifying demographic questions before taking the assessment. Use of this information will be for research purposes only.
We appreciate your help in continuing to refine our data, thank you.